About Me.

Developing with a passion for real results.

My Experience

- Full Stack Developer with over 4 years of diverse experience.

- Track record winning hackathons.

- Indie game published on Steam.

- Expertise in web3 and Solidity.

- Relentless problem-solving attitude.


Authentic Client Reflections

“If you need a Dev who talks with their keyboard instead of prolonging the Zoom call, Ayden will kick out your project faster than 90% of the over-confident "code crafters" out there. Ayden gets it DONE."

Michael Jagdeo

Headhunter at Unicorn Launching
“Ayden Springer is the kind of Full Stack Developer every team dreams of having. His dedication to the craft and consistent success in delivering exceptional digital products makes him a valuable asset. I highly recommend Ayden Springer for any tech project."

Rocky Nguyen

Senior Front End Engineer at Elysium Health
“Ayden is amazingly talented developer. His contribution to the project Avalanche from The New Dev Order, was crucial to completing the most difficult task that saw the team home. He is gonna be the best find for any Hiring Manager."

Manish Andankar

Founder & CEO: Worthum

Presence in HackGPT

HackGPT 2023, a global AI hackathon that gathers the brightest minds and Fortune 2000 leaders. I collaborated with other talented developers and AI visionaries. I also clinched victory in a fiercely competitive developer showdown. My game-changing autodialer app won along other innovative projects, including AI-powered church assistants and mobile wallet connect bounties. If you're looking for a proven talent who can deliver custom digital solutions that stand out, I'm your go-to developer.



In early 2022, I developed and launched Everplast, a unique platformer game available on Steam, crafted over the span of 8 months. The game offers a high-adrenaline experience that blends player freedom with strategic elements. Players can customize their gameplay focus - speed or power-ups, while also utilizing a unique "Adrenaline" mechanic for fast-paced movement and environmental interaction. Collectible Orbs and Ranks enable progressive upgrades, and a diverse arsenal of weapons and power-ups can be activated with a single click. I'm grateful for the support I've received and invite everyone to take on the Everplast challenge!




When I'm not immersed in code or solving complex problems, you'll likely find me strumming my guitar or diving into the intricate world of cars. As someone who also developed an indie game, it's no surprise that gaming holds a special place in my heart.


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Ready to take your project to the next level? Reach out to me and let's get the conversation started. Realize your success journey today.